Year 2

Year 2
The Great Wall

Saturday, December 25, 2010

What a night!!!

Ok, so I am so blown away. I could feel people pr-ying for us during our Christmas dinner tonight. Thanks thanks thanks!!! So here is how it went.....

Every single person we invited showed a few extras....we had to go out and get extra food- afraid we weren't going to have enough. They ate and ate and ate- turkey,dressing,rice ( of course), gravy,mac and cheese, deviled eggs, green beans, and desserts- cheese cake, cookies, and was sooooo good.

Then we shared about Christmas- what people thought of when they thought of Christmas. Answers ranged from Santa to Jingle Bells to shopping. Many said they thought of dinners with family and friends...some said they thought of giving gifts.

This led into me, Angie, trying to share about the best gift EVER and tearing up through it. But it opened up for more discussion- why did He come here? What do we do to receive the gift?

The discussion lastest over an hour and a half!!!

Lots took information papers- in their native tongue- to learn more. And I had a discussion with one person before the dinner even started!!

This was an amazing night for see all the work leading up to this night- help us build the relationship to the point of being able to share with them. I was amazed at how hungry they all were to know more and more.

There are two left that I am pr-yin hard for...they are still resistant- can see it in their posture and faces, but we serve the One who can do worries.

So, thanks!!! If you were prayin tonight/ am for you guys, we felt it!!!

Will keep you updated on how it all plays out now- the ball is in their court....

Merry Christmas to you all!!!

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