Year 2

Year 2
The Great Wall

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Trip to Thailand....

Mountain Hostel Painting the Girl's home

Children's Hostel in Mountains of Thailand

The fam all went to Thailand for our Chinese New Year break. It was are the highlights....

#1 Went on a 3 hour trip through the mountains and jungles to a village to visit a Childrens Hostel and deliver gifts- a computer, supplies, some clothes, and toys our kids gave them. It was so humbling to see those children so thankful for our visit and everything we brought to them. They sang for us and then thanked us for everything we did. They also pr-yed with us- they were so respectful and humble. Seeing kids who have nothing but clothes and mats to sleep on was eye opening, for me and our kids. It was a great day though. I loved seeing the kids that live there.

#2- Working at the new home for orphan girls. There are 3 girls there and 2 more to come in the future. The ones there now are 2.4. and 6 years. Their stories are very sad-parents dying of AIDS, no one to care for them, extremely poor families and villages.

We took clothes, toys, and Cheetos to them (hey, the Cheetos were a big hit- they had never had them). We bought paint and supplies and painted the whole interier of the house- 3 br,bath, common area, hall, kitchen, and the house dad even painted some on the outside.

We had a ball playing with the girls and making them smile and giggle. I was having a wonderful time with the littlest one and Shirley told me I may be the first person ever to play with her. That is enough to break your heart. They were still in semi- self- peservation mode- not sharing food and stuffing it quickly in their mouths.

By the end of the week, we were so thrilled- they were reaching for us, playing with us, and hugging us. We had formed relationships, even though we never spoke a word to each other- they speak hill tribe, no Thai and no English. But by the end, we had them saying No No...that is worth something, isn't it?

Please remember these little ones as they further adjust and start school in June. It is harder than anything I can imagine- starting over with complete strangers at such a young age.

#3 - English Classes- Bob,Madeline and I helped teach English classes to Thai children that came to Faithful Heart. Bob worked with the older kids and Madeline and I the beginners. It was fun, once they got over their initial shyness. They were eager to show how much English they knew. We did body parts and then taught them Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. Then we taught them Jes-s loves me in sign language. These were just random Thai kids, many of other faiths, so it was really cool.

#4- Meeting Thai people- Thai people are very friendly with big smiles and happy laughs. It was ver different from China where most are more shy and just stare from a distance. We made several friendships and hope to keep in contact with them. One is not a "brother" but very close we believe. He is afraid of family pressure. We are remembering him daily and hope you will do the same....just call him Dune....Our Father knows who he is....

#5- Dinner with all the Faithful Heart Children... We went to a special dinner, thrown it turns out, just to meet us!!! All the boys from the 4 homes and the 3 girls were there. All the house parents too!!! They all sang for us and it was a wonderful blessing!!! We so hated to leave. We felt so welcome and at home there.

We are back in China now, gearing up for school to start back on Monday.

Please remember us as we continue to work for Him. Also, special prayer request- we are trying to come home for the summer- our parents are paying the airfare- they insist we come. So please pry we find cheap rates and the best deal out there. It is very expensive for 6 people.

That is about it for now. I will try to update more often. I was reminded I was slacking off so I will try to do better (ok Rick?)

Blessings to all,


1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous experience for your family. I can only imagine how hard it was to leave those precious little ones in the orphanage. Makes you want to scoop them up and bring them home, doesn't it?
