Year 2

Year 2
The Great Wall

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Moving Right Along.....

We are still waiting for results from the testing and formal offer from the company. This is taking much longer than we expected or are use to. I am an immediate results kinda girl- good or bad, just give it to me. So this has been hard. My apprehension seems to be being met with telling me to rest . He says has it covered and it is all plan, way, timing. So I wait.

We have shown the house twice and have 2 more coming to see it this week. I am constantly picking things up, sweeping, vacuuming. This is not fun- living in a house with 4 kids and trying to keep it clean enough to show on a moments notice. Hopefully, it will sell soon and we can get to moving by the end of the month. Please continue to pray that it sells before we have to leave the first of August.

I still am unsure as to what to do with my tutoring students in the fall. The lady that was going to take it over needs free afternoons to take her middle school aged kids to sporting events,etc. I know someone else will come along who wants to work a few hours a week and make some extra money. If you know of any teachers that might be interested, let me know.

One thing I am struggling with through all of this is negative responses. We have people, some we barely know, saying very negative things about us going. Some do not mean to, but it is not helpful at all and we need building up and affirming, not doubt. But again, the L keeps telling me this is the Way, Plan. So I cling to that. Just pray that I keep my big mouth shut and have restraint not to say something sarcastic back. So far I have just smiled, nodded, and said, "yes, it is going to be very different for us."

Very different indeed- did you know they eat snake over there? More to come on that later....

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